Blog posts tagged 'Grain Finished':
Why I no longer pay attention to labels like “organic”
February 5th, 2019 by Joe Heitzeberg • Read 12,227 times • 3 min read
It may shock some people, but I no longer pay attention to labels on meat products. For years, I’ve traveled the country meeting with chefs and farmers in search of the world’s best craft meat, and over and over I hear that labels and certifications aren't meaningful or helpful, and can be abused to misrepresent the truth. The “organic” label is a good example. Thanks to the rising popularity of “grass-fed, grass-finished” and “organic”...
Grass-Finished Versus Grain-Finished
July 18th, 2018 by Caitlin Postal • Read 83,971 times • 3 min read
Close up of grass at Little Shasta Ranch Grass versus grain, or so the story goes. But how do we know the real differences between the two? In the meat industry, using terms like grass-fed, grass-finished, or grain-finished can mean very different things for the beef associated with them. But let's back up for a second because I just wrote "meat industry" as if it's one homogenous beast. It's not. There's a marked difference between the...
Introducing Wolfe Brothers Farm: Raising Angus beef on heritage grains
October 27th, 2017 by Joe Heitzeberg • Read 21,838 times • 2 min read
Kris and Tony Wolfe are the two brothers behind Wolfe Brothers Farms, a grass-fed, grain-finished cattle farm on the border of Pennsylvania and New York. Their pasture-based farming practice is built on a core philosophy: We simply say, 'Do unto others as you’d have them do to you.' It’s exactly the same with dirt and cows. We are blessed as we nurture and care for the land and animals that we are responsible for here on this Earth." -...
Cottonwood Ranch is producing craft beef (with the help of craft beer)
October 3rd, 2017 by Joe Heitzeberg • Read 9,726 times • 1 min read
At Port City Brewing Co. in Alexandria, Virginia, huge amounts of barley are turned into delectable, malty brews each week. But did you know that fermenty, delicious beer isn't the only thing you end up with when you produce beer? The other element that gets produced when you make beer is brewer's mash, or what's sometimes in the industry called "spent grain." (Read: Used up. No good. Waste.) But in recent years, craft breweries have...
Grain-Finished Beef Done Right
May 13th, 2017 by Joe Heitzeberg • Read 42,938 times • 2 min read
Our goal at Crowd Cow is to help people find fantastic beef from the very best farms, raising happy cows and producing healthy meat. Within that we think there’s room for a great deal of variety. We work with farms with 100% grass-fed beef, ranches raising genetically pure Wagyu beef, and now we are also introducing farms with cattle raised on the pasture but finished with grain. Ultimately, flavor is a personal preference, and can span a...